Median Household Income & Poverty Level Reports

The median household income in Clinton County for 2016 is down from the previous year-but above the 2014 level. (links to reports included)

The latest report shows a household income of $49,850.  That is down from the 2015 report of a median household income of $52,945 dollars..while the 2014 figure was $48,528.

The statewide household median income in 2016 was $56,354.

The highest county median household income was in Dallas County at $82,123 and the lowest was Decatur County at $36,808.


In another report just issued – the percentage of residents in Clinton County considered living in poverty was 13.5%  in 2016-the latest year statistics are available.  That included 18.3% under the age of 18.


The state wide percentage considered living under the poverty level in 2016 was 11.7%.

The Clinton County level living in poverty was 13.4% in 2015.

Link: Median Household Income Report

Link: Poverty Report



About Dave Vickers

Dave has been News Director since 1983 and has been Station General Manager since 1999. Dave has also served on the Board of Directors of the Iowa Broadcast News Association and the Iowa Broadcast Association and has served on the Iowa Freedom of Information Council.
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