October was about average for the temperature & with more rain

The overall temperature for the month of October virtually matched the historical average.

Clinton area weather observer Jim Blaess says the overall temperature was 52.7 degrees and that compares to the historical average of 52.9

The highest temperature during the month was 77 and that was recorded on October 27th. Blaess said that tied for the tenth lowest high temperature in October to 1891. The lowest reading was 31 on the 30th and was the first frost. The weather observer says that was also one of the warmer low reading for an October.

On Halloween day, Blaess says the high was 43 and the coldest Halloween since 2002.

Most of the precipitation for the month occurred during the first two weeks. Blaess says the month’s total precipitation was 2.99 inches which was about 3-tenths of an inch above average.
But, he also pointed out that only 5-hundreths of an inch of the rain fell in the final 17 days of the month.
For the year-to-date, Blaess says the precipitation is 33.26 inches which is about three inches above normal

For this month, Blaess says you an expect a little over two inches of precipitation with an inch and a half snow.
The average high for November 1st is 56 and the low is 37 and those drop to 40 and 24 by the end of the month.

About Dave Vickers

Dave has been News Director since 1983 and has been Station General Manager since 1999. Dave has also served on the Board of Directors of the Iowa Broadcast News Association and the Iowa Broadcast Association and has served on the Iowa Freedom of Information Council.
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