Compensation Board forwards pay raise recommendations

The Clinton County Board has received the recommendations of the Compensation Commission for pay raises for elected officials. Click ‘read more’ for the details

The state mandated process establishes the panel of citizens. Each elected official appoints a representative to the panel. That commission is directed to recommend pay raises for elected officials and the County Board can accept the proposal or lower them all by the same amount or percentage but can not raise them.
The board took no action today on the proposals.
The panel has been trying to move the salaries to be comparable to other counties as the 11th rank in population.

The recommendation is for the County Attorney to receive a raise of 8-thousand dollars, the Auditor a 4-thousand*200 dollar raise, Recorder a 4-thousand*300 dollar raise, Sheriff an 6-thousand*800 dollar raise, the Treasurer and 3-thousand*700 dollar raise and Supervisors a 23-hundred dollar raise.
The commission believed those raises would move the salaries into the 11th ranked in the state to match the population rank.

The process became a topic of procedural issues as Board Member Shawn Hamerlinck moved to table the issue indefinitely to as he put it “bury the issue.”
But it was pointed out that the salary issue is part of the budget process and must be dealt with.
Clinton County Auditor Eric VanLancker..
County Board Chair John Staszewski also said the board will have to deal with the issue. He said the department heads won’t let it go away.
The board rejected the idea of tabling the action indefinitely.
The Compensation Board pay raise recommendation was on the agenda for discussion and no further action was taken.

About Dave Vickers

Dave has been News Director since 1983 and has been Station General Manager since 1999. Dave has also served on the Board of Directors of the Iowa Broadcast News Association and the Iowa Broadcast Association and has served on the Iowa Freedom of Information Council.
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