Implosion of Alliant Energy ML Kapp Generating Station

(statement from the Clinton Police Department) – The M.L. Kapp Generating Station, located at 2001 Beaver Channel Parkway in Clinton, is scheduled to be imploded on July 10, 2020. The implosion is scheduled to take place between 10:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m., weather permitting.

For safety reasons, access to the M.L. Kapp site and the surrounding areas will be limited.
Boat traffic on the Mississippi River (Beaver Slough) will be temporarily diverted, between 9:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. There will be a temporary flight restriction of 1-mile of the M.L. Kapp Generation Station (2001 Beaver Channel Parkway). The restriction also applies to the use of unmanned aerial devices within the restricted area.

Once the implosion has been completed, local traffic, both on the road and the river, will reopened.

The Clinton Police Department is being assisted by the Clinton Fire Department, Camanche Police Department, Camanche Fire Department and Clinton County Emergency Management.

About Dave Vickers

Dave has been News Director since 1983 and has been Station General Manager since 1999. Dave has also served on the Board of Directors of the Iowa Broadcast News Association and the Iowa Broadcast Association and has served on the Iowa Freedom of Information Council.
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