13th Warmest July In Clinton

July 2020 will be the 13th warmest July in Clinton weather records to 1879.

Clinton weather observer Jim Blaess says the overall average temperature for the month was 77.4 degrees.  He says that is 2.5 degrees above normal of 74.9.

The highest reading of the month was 94 degrees on July 26th.  The weather observer adds there were eight days with 90 degrees or above and the average is six days.

Blaess did point out the lowest temperature of the month was 59 degrees on the 23rd.  He says that is the third warmest low in July since 1888.  The warmest low was 62 in July 1955.

Precipitation recorded for the month by the weather observer was just over the normal.

Blaess says there was 3.88 inches of rain which is just above the average of 3.60.  He added that two inches of the month’s total came in a storm on July 26th.

Thru the first seven months Blaess says there has been 20.49 inches of precipitation is is about the normal of 20.51 inches for the year-to-date.


In August, Blaess says you can expect 4.41 inches of precipitation.

There are also an average of 4 days with 90 or above temperatures, but Blaess says there have been no 90 degree readings in August for the past four years.  He says there are 13 Augusts with no 90 degrees since 1893.

About Dave Vickers

Dave has been News Director since 1983 and has been Station General Manager since 1999. Dave has also served on the Board of Directors of the Iowa Broadcast News Association and the Iowa Broadcast Association and has served on the Iowa Freedom of Information Council.
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