City of Fulton Storm Updates

From Mayor Michael Ottens –  Residents may put storm debris curbside through Sunday, August 23rd. After that it will be the homeowner’s responsibility for disposal. City crews will pickup the remaining debris in the days following the 23rd.

We will be working with Morning Disposal on setting up the annual “Fall Bulky Waste Pickup.” Look for updates on our City website and Facebook page for the date. We will try for a Saturday in September depending on Moring’s schedule. If you need to dispose of larger items due to the storm, right away (damaged trampolines, swing sets, etc.), please call Moring Disposal for pickup at the residents own expense.

The City of Fulton will NOW be under a no burn ban through August 25th due to excessive dry conditions. This may be extended, so feel free to call City Hall or check the City’s social media page for updates.

The 1000 block of 4th Street will remain closed for traffic until further notice, due to structural damage with one of the buildings. Businesses located on that block may reopen but clients will have to park in municipal lots or on another block and walk to their destination. Please avoid walking in front or on the side of the building located at the end of the block and on the west side of 4th Street.

As an advisement for those individuals who are applying for perishable food recovery from ComEd, please make sure you go directly to the ComEd website, and avoid clicking any links on social media sites. Com Ed knows that these links are generally fake and scams are occurring. Please be advised that although you file a claim, not all claims will be reimbursed due to an “Act of God”. It is solely at the discretion of ComEd to reimburse individual households.


About Dave Vickers

Dave has been News Director since 1983 and has been Station General Manager since 1999. Dave has also served on the Board of Directors of the Iowa Broadcast News Association and the Iowa Broadcast Association and has served on the Iowa Freedom of Information Council.
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