Little precipitation in the last 3 weeks of of April

April ended with an overall temperature of 53 degrees according to Weather Observer Jim Blaess. The official weather observer says the historical average for April is 51.9 degrees.

The lowest temperature for the month was 23 on April 1st.  The highest temperature for the month was 85 on the 27th.  Blaess says that tied the record for April 27th set in 1894 and tied in 1914 – 1981 and 1984.

Blaess says other 80-degree readings were recorded on the 5th and 6th when it was 80 and 82 on the 26th.

Blaess says the precipitation for the month was 3.47 inches.  He says that is above the average for the month of 3.05.  But he points out that most of the precipitation was recorded between the 7th and 11th with 3.42 hundredths of an inch during those days.

For the year-to-date Blaess says there’s been 7.48 inches of precipitation.  He says that below the normal of 8.37 inches on average for the first four months.

In the snow season of October thru April Blaess recorded 36.7 inches of snow.  He says that is above the normal of 31 inches.

Blaess says that in May the average high on the first is 69 and low is 49 and those are averages of 78 and56 by the end of the month.   He says the precipitation for the month averages 3.94 of an inch.

The weather observer says that last year in May it was the 3rd latest 80 degree on records when it was 84 on May 24th.  The latest date when it reached 80 was 1973 when June 1st. Blaess pointed out that this year there have already been four days in April and the first two says of May with 80 or above temperatures.


About Dave Vickers

Dave has been News Director since 1983 and has been Station General Manager since 1999. Dave has also served on the Board of Directors of the Iowa Broadcast News Association and the Iowa Broadcast Association and has served on the Iowa Freedom of Information Council.
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